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18 months of preliminary research, 2 months of fieldwork and drafting of deliverables


Junior consultancy for the development of family farming in less economically developed countries (LEDCs)

MEDEA is a team of 10 future engineers in international agro-development. Our team is built around a common ambition: to work closely with family farms and carry out an expertise in LEDCs.


The rural areas of “developing countries” are constantly undergoing socio-cultural, economic, agricultural or climatic changes. We are therefore witnessing territorial recompositions in a context of ever more complex power relations between actors. Thus our interest is focused more specifically on the understanding of these power relations in the access and distribution of resources.

Depuis août 2020, MEDEA travaille en étroite collaboration avec l'UMR SELMET, une unité mixte de recherche sur les systèmes d'élevage méditerranéens et tropicaux. Nous allons réaliser une étude des contributions socio-économiques de l'élevage bovin sur les Hautes Terres malgaches. 

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Choosing MEDEA is ...

Covering a large geographic area in a limited time

Calling on young experts at a low cost

Choosing a team with varied professional experiences

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